“…because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions— it is by grace you have been saved.”
Ephesians 2:4-5
About Abundant Life Investments
Steven & Angie
Steven grew up as a missionary kid in Hong Kong and moved to the Boise area when he was 13 years old. Growing up in New Mexico, Angie studied Spanish and became a certified Spanish secondary teacher with a passion for teaching. Together Steven and Angie went to Asia to share God's word with minority groups while also working to enhance their living conditions. Later, Steven studied Industrial Engineering and became a continuous improvement leader in a Fortune 500 business. As our family grew as well as the demands of the corporate world we looked for ways to support our family financially while also investing more time in the family. Early on, Angie was able to help a number of unqualified buyers get into homeownership through lease options. The joy of restoring people to homeownership grew into restoring home values as well. We are blessed to help people in many different ways: transitioning gracefully out of a home, avoiding foreclosure, creating solutions to transition from one home to another, regaining homeownership opportunities, rebuilding credit, saving a long-time home. We also love investing in our employees and creating opportunities for financial growth with our investors.
Our Mission
God is in the business of reconciling people and nature to himself. As his children, we follow in His footsteps by restoring people and restoring homes.